Wednesday, 16 February 2022

The Chasm Dividing Us


While the mainstream media laments a so-called rise in right-wing populist movements, too often we ignore that in the past two decades we have seen a rise in socialist dogma, verging on communism infiltrate our discourse. Recently the Covid pandemic has provided politicians with more power to restrict our freedoms, and cancel culture is on the rise to silence us. Why and how has this happened?

Political polarization has become the norm in most of the free world. The Liberal elite has been allowed to use tactics that have divided us rather than unite us. The constant use of identity rhetoric in every leftist policy has contributed to more conflict in politics. It is regrettable that today the aspirations of former generations are discarded without thought. What once drove the aspirations of ordinary people to achieve greatness has slowly been replaced by a sense of entitlement and the politics of envy. In the western free world, it seems that we have forgotten the following mottos that everyone wanted to be part of their lives; from France Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: these words are regarded as the most famous slogan of the French Revolution. In the United States: "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence and in Canada the True North strong and free"

Equality: the state of being equal especially in status, rights and opportunities was always a goal for citizens of the world. Once equality was the one thing that politicians would fight for. It was at the basis of intellectual, economic, and social growth. Success and growth were based on the equality of opportunity. Although, for many years some people were not allowed to be part of the success, over the years we have seen many gains made by minorities. Civil rights have allowed a greater participation by vast numbers of people. Martin Luther King and many others made it possible for many changes in society and provided access to education and thus economic growth for many. Other improvements have also increased the participation of minorities in the political and economic decision process.

While it is always desired that we move forward and improve on what we have achieved, it seems that the left has gradually but surely moved away from the state of equality towards what they call equity. Their policies of divisiveness use Equity: the quality of being fair and impartial to divide and conquer. It is always easy to make policies that uses taxpayers’ money to buy adulation and therefore votes. Increasingly the Liberal elite uses Equity to promote many of their policies based on identity politics. Furthermore, identity politics is being used to erode many of our constitutional freedoms. In the name of equity, the left has decided that some should be more equal than others. To gain votes and gain power the left has decided to cater to certain groups rather that treating citizens equally. It started with affirmative action, to allow for more participation by minorities. Then it grew into dividing the population into groups that even segregate minorities into different segments. For example, in higher education systems, some Ivy League Universities discriminate between Blacks and Asians when considering admission in certain programs. Martin Luther King said that ‘we should consider the character not the color of one’s skin’ but today this is ignored, and everything seems to be based on gender, skin colour, ethnicity and political ideology.,


We discriminate between gender and race for the sake of equity. The white race is being demonized for all the ills that afflict society. The so-called white privilege is used to discriminate in virtually every part of society today. The irony is that these policies are usually made by white Liberal elites like Biden and Trudeau. The worse part of this discriminatory trend is that the mainstream Liberal media is on board with this trend. The media has decided that these divisive policies should be supported blindly. Too often there is no more independent editorial thinking, The media today, echoes political mantras of the left as most of the media except for a very few, just embrace these woke polices of the left. Watching, listening, and reading the mass media today is in many cases like ingesting the same soup without any different flavour. The media today just use the same, words, phrases and sentences to report on events of importance. They now sing from the same page, because many of them are supported by government grants or are regulated by governments. Echoes of the Soviet Union or China’s Politburo?

The election of Donald Trump as United States President, shook the geopolitical world. The liberal elite has still not recovered. However, in many ways Trump was able to awaken citizens from their torpor and has given some the conviction that the radical move by the left should be challenged. There is no intention to advocate for violent revolution, but rather to awaken people to the fact that their freedoms are gradually being taken away, and that it is time that challenges to the increased power of governments and corporations be mounted. The unfortunate murder of George Floyd, a petty criminal, by a rogue police officer, created a perfect storm for the left to use equity and woke policies to acquire more power.  During the summer of 2020, the world witnessed the rise of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa. Riots, arson, looting and death was the result of a ‘summer of love’ as defined by the left. Democrats want to prosecute parents for standing up for the children’s rights and oppose the teaching of Marxist racist dogma like Critical Race Theory in schools. The defund the police movement also promoted the closure of prisons as  crime rates in mostly Democrat held cities in the U.S is rising at an alarming rate. Attorneys General supported by George Soros refuse to prosecute crimes because they believe in social justice based on equity. The result is the poor and mostly blacks and minorities  are the victims of these crimes, including murder, but for political reasons leftist politicians continue to ignore the failure of their policies of division.

Many politicians of the left saw these so-called ‘peaceful protests’ as means to gain power and win the next Presidential elections. Many politicians and corporations paid for the legal fees of rioters and looters. Corporations allowed themselves to be blackmailed by BLM and paid millions of dollars. Ignored is the fact that BLM is a Marxist organization, and in the aftermath of the 2020 riots it accumulated millions that were used by some members of the organizations to acquire personal real estate, while the real victims have never seen a penny of that million-dollar rainfall. Recently BLM purchased the former Canadian Communist party headquarters in Ontario. By contrast, the Freedom Convoy protesting the Covid mandates has its Go Fund Me millions being stopped and being investigated. Whether you believe that the January 6 was an insurrection or not, except for a very few rogue extremists, The Freedom Convoy is nowhere similar as there is no violence from either side (authorities or protesters). Unfortunately, there were some rogue members in these convoy, who tarnished the original intent of the protest. While the Liberal media has a different take on left and right protest, it was an opportunity for the Black Faced hypocrite Prime Minister of Canada to state Today in the House, Members of Parliament unanimously condemn the antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia that we have seen on display in Ottawa over the past number of days. Together, let's keep working to make Canada more inclusive.”

These Truck Protests are a result of two years of government Covid mandates around the world. The world came to a virtual standstill for two years as businesses were closed and people told to ‘Go home and Stay home’. It is now apparent that all these lockdowns may have been futile as researchers from Johns Hopkins University concluded that lockdowns like the kind imposed in early 2020 only reduced COVID mortality by 0.2% While the costs to society were huge, the effectiveness of lockdowns was marginal at best. The mental stress, especially on children not allowed to go to school, and people being forced to wear a mask in public has taken a toll on peoples’ patience.

There is one fact that is being ignored in the mass media, and Liberal minds- that because of Covid politicians at all levels found a way to acquire powers that verge on authoritarianism. As we get closer to the pandemic becoming endemic, these same politicians want to cling to these powers and do not want to free the citizens. Usually Canadians follow, but this time the Canadian Freedom Convoy is being mirrored in other countries.  It is no wonder that protests are gathering force around the world. The people of the world are starting to understand that their freedoms are at stake, even though an uninformed few are still supporting these mandates. Violence is never condoned in any circumstances, but the real issue is that we cannot blame the right and support the left because we believe in a certain ideology. Equality and not equity should be the benchmark for of our decisions. As the acceptance of Cancel Culture’ grows, we are close to losing our freedom of speech.  The law should be blind and applied equally, if it is not, we are on the verge of accepting dictatorship and lose our freedoms,


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