Sunday, 23 December 2018

Canada at a Crossroad

During 2018 Canadians have witnessed few ups and more downs across the country. While we can argue who or what is to blame, we must acknowledge that the country is facing many obstacles, if not all created by bad policies and egocentric politicians.

The continued blind and ideological Prime Minister Trudeau has successfully thrown the country into another crisis laden by calls of separation by a Province-Alberta. The current federal government has continuously believed that lining up its agenda with the rest of the world, namely the United Nations, would make Canadians better. Despite the rosy claims made by the PM, dissention and loathing of some of his polices abound.

His blind support of the Paris Agreement on the environment and his polices of consultation with virtually every interest group against pipelines has caused a crisis in oil and gas producing provinces. Alberta has seen a recession and a collapse of its main source of revenue. But the catastrophe also rests with an Alberta government who agreed to impose a carbon tax in the hope of getting a pipeline built. In addition the Notley NDP government has destroyed the Alberta advantage through massive expenditures and socialist fiscal policies. The British Columbia government which only exists because it is supported by the Green Party has decided that Alberta oil is no longer part of the national economy and has helped the federal government to come to the conclusion that it should nationalize the Kinder Morgan pipeline. Furthermore the Quebec government does not support an Eastern pipeline, while the Eastern part of Canada buys its oil from foreign countries. Yet Quebec will receive Billions of dollars under the Equalization system while Alberta gets nothing. The Liberal government does not have a national energy strategy, what it has is an environmental strategy that will destroy the Canadian economy and divide the country.

The other issue that will burden the country for years to come is another globalist agenda. PM Trudeau believes in open borders and has allowed close to 40,000 of illegal immigrants into the country. In fact in a social media communication he invited illegal immigrants into the country. Millions of dollars are being spent in housing and supporting illegal immigrants while many Canadians, including veterans, live in poverty. He also recently signed a UN declaration on immigration, which although non-binding, may well be used to further increase immigration and be used as tool for gerrymandering. A culmination of his spending excesses that includes expenditures around the world to secure a seat at the United Nations has left the Finance Department to tell us that Canada will not see a balanced budget until 2040

While many blame the rise of Donald Trump and populism for the problems we see today, we should not ignore that it is the leftist and globalist policies of many governments that are causing the real problems. We can only see what is happening in Europe to understand that Canadians should follow suit and start confronting the current government, in non-violent protests, and stop us down the slippery slope of economic, immigration and terrorism problems seen in Europe. The result of globalist governments has seen the rise of populism in the Brexit decision, the Yellow vest uprising against taxes in France, and protest closer to home in Alberta.

The supporters of globalism are falling by the wayside. Angela Merkel is out of the German leadership. Macron is being asked to resign. Theresa May who started her rise as England’s Conservative party leader is fast becoming irrelevant due to her inability to negotiate the country’s exit from the European Union. Trudeau’s latest favorable poll numbers are even less than Trump’s. Does that say something about the state of the country? Well in my view all the above mentioned issues are a harbinger of things to come if the citizenry does not stand up and be counted. People around the world should really look at what is happening around them – a bunch of elitist politicians are attempting to rule the world with more international regulations and policies. The result, if they succeed, will be a loss of sovereignty and the death of nations as they blow down international borders.

With all this doom and gloom in sight Canadians should heed the words of rookie Tory premier of New Brunswick Blaine Higgs, who declared: “the Canadian federation fractured — with Ottawa and other provinces seemingly unconcerned about Alberta’s slump, and Quebec actively blocking economic development... Here’s a province that has fed many of our kids for years and we’ve all been happy to be recipients of that transfer payment. I’m not proud of that fact, and I would like to develop the very industry that they have,”
 It is said that charity begins at home. In politics I believe that it starts at the civic level. Alberta should vote out the current NDP government, followed by Canadians getting rid of a feckless and vacuous Prime Minister and his government. 2019 will be a watershed year for the country. If we do not vote for governments that are prepared to bring back free market policies and who refuse to pander to special interest groups we shall be doomed.

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