Saturday, 4 November 2017

Make Alberta Great Again

October 28, 2017 was the day that common sense conservative Albertans took the RIGHT steps towards taking back the province from a socialist government. The first ballot election of Jason Kenney opens the door to a new era of free market economy and fiscal responsibility. The hard work starts now.

Jason gave up a career in federal politics to come back home to rescue Albertans from the abyss of socialism. First he must get the right people around him. The time has come for conservatives to compromise on process but never compromise on principles. Too often, Progressives in the old party did compromise their principles, and we must not revert back to the old ways. The tent is wide open but we must also be aware of any false prophets among us; since “progressive” does not necessarily means to move forward but rather, to establish liberal schemes.  Progressivism is a well disguised form of socialist authoritarian agenda.

The biggest challenge for the United Conservative Party (UCP) will be to fight back the   attacks and innuendos that will come from the NDP, the Liberal media and many old progressives. In the first week after his election, Jason Kenney’s name has been mentioned over 50 times in Legislature. It took barely forty-eight hours for Premier Rachel Notley to start the harangue and fire the first salvo when she said: “We’ll stand against UCP’s job-killing, gay outing, school-cutting, health privatizing, backward-looking, hope destroying, divisive agenda” Alberta conservatives must be cognizant that this type of rhetoric is going to be the mantra of the left for the next two years until the next elections. They will throw every epithet and divisive comments to get the new leader off track. They do not have real pro-growth economic policies and will divert the debate towards social issues.

Yes, and I have said it before, we must discuss social issues. However conservatives must define social issues as education, economic freedom, freedom of choice, health care, safety and security. This is where the rubber meets the road. The current government will continue to implement social engineering policies that will divide the good people of Alberta. Watch out for debates in Legislature using words like, homophobia, misogyny, racism, xenophobia, etc. to demonize every conservative position different from the government’s agenda.

Recently, as the President of the Institute for Public Sector Accountability (IPSA) I took part in a ‘Restoring the Alberta Advantage’ conference. Among participants were representatives from the U of C School of Public Policy, and the, Frontier Centre for Public Policy. The focus was on finding ways to get Alberta back on a sound economic path. There were many suggestions and our findings will be made public soon. I suggest that the new UCP leadership take a good look at the findings and include the solutions in their platform. The economy should be at the forefront of taking back the province from a socialist government.

Personal attacks on UCP members and their leader will be the norm. But I hope that a seasoned politician like Jason Kenney will be able go on the offensive because it is the best form of defense. Social policies like the GSA and other social engineering issues are a form of government control that should be addressed. Similar to the days of the authoritarian Soviet Union, these policies are very dangerous as they gradually take away individual and parental rights and choices. While not paying lip service to wedge issues, the UCP must formulate policies that will bring back the Alberta Advantage that the province lost under the past two conservative and current NDP governments. After all we already have examples of failed socialist policies in Ontario, Cuba, Venezuela, and now Alberta, Why continue down the rabbit hole towards the abyss?

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