Tuesday, 29 September 2015

The lesser of three evils.

The differences between the three parties are clear, but too often ignored by the media. How we vote is going to affect us for a long time. No matter how one views the Harper government, there is a very easy decision to make on October 19th.

On the economy, Harper has been able to keep Canada in good shape, despite the small hiccup caused by the fall in oil prices. The short-lived recession is already in recovery; Canada has a surplus. The Liberals want to create budget deficits and tax small businesses under the guise of investments thus increasing spending by $15B and taxes by $5B. The NDP plans to increase spending by $10B and taxes by$10 annually. Both parties will also revise the tax credits implemented by the Conservatives, including reduction of the TFSA annual contribution by the NDP and revision of all Child Care benefits by the Liberals. Not much difference, but same agenda – tax and spend.

While the refugee crisis is impacting Europe, the NDP and Liberals are planning to increase the number of refugees that Canada may accept in the future. They ignore the fact that we are in a state of war with terrorists. Trudeau believes that terrorists should be treated the same way as ordinary criminals and that they should keep their Canadian citizenship: so does Mulcair. Both of them do not understand the problems that Obama has created and would rather pass the responsibility of foreign policy to the United Nations rather than the duly elected government of Canada. The former ‘honest broker’ Canadian position is no longer viable since there is nobody to broker with in a war conducted by terrorists rather than an identifiable nation.

While these two issues are at the top of the electorate’s mind, in a strategy to divert the attention from their failed proposed policies the Liberals and NDP have tried to make wedge issues as part of the debates. The debate about the Niqab is a red-herring; I would listen to Malala, the Nobel Prize winner who rejects its use, rather than listen to Trudeau.
As for the climate change debate, The Government of Canada has proposed a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. The NDP’s  proposal to impose a cap-and-trade policy will do nothing to cut emissions; China will continue to spew CO2 in the atmosphere, and it will only be a tax by another name, as all related costs will go up.

Whether you like or dislike Harper because he seems to be too ‘wooden’ in appearance or as the media would have you believe too controlling; the alternative is less appealing. Do you want a leader with ‘nice hair’ and a vacuous approach to foreign policy? Or a closet communist who wants to take us back to the days of Bob Rea’s economic management?
A minority government is not the answer either. Our economy, security and values are at stake. Forget strategic voting, just look at Alberta.
 Take a deep breath, pinch your nose and vote for the status quo. The alternative is too scary.

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