Political scientists and economists, often discuss Agency
Theory which is the relationship between a principal and an agent. In this
relationship the principal (Council) delegates (the Administration) to perform
work. The theory deals with two problems:
the first is that the goals of both the principal and the agent are in
conflict, and it can be difficult for the principal to verify the agent’s work.
The second is the risk sharing issue, because the principal and the agent have
different risk tolerances.
In light of several recent reports from Council dealing with
costs overruns, it may be time for Calgarians to take a good look at the Agency
Theory to explain the reasons for some if not all the costs overruns of Calgary's capital projects.
The latest of these audit reports address the costs of the
West Leg LRT. While the line is in operation we still have additional costs not
yet accounted for. In 2007, Council approved $700 for vehicles, construction
design and land purchase. In 2008, due to several revisions to the original
plan, Council approves and additional $121.4 million. Between 2009 and the 2012
opening of service Council adds an additional $389.7 million, including $142m
for land. In 2010 the budget is reduced by $5 million but the cost of
landscaping is yet to be included in 2013.
As you can see, it seems that this project never had a full
analysis before approval. Council seemed to be eager to move on with the
project despite the fact that there were many unknowns. One fact that is not
very well known is that the former Mayor owned two properties on the proposed
line. Of course after the audit,
Management accepts all the recommendations made to improve the Corporate
Project Management Framework. What else could administration do, say No to the
recommendations? Unfortunately for the taxpayers , as usual the horse had already bolted.
This is not the first time that projects at City Hall have
suffered the same results and audit scolding. We had the debacle of the East
Village, the widening of 16th Avenue, the Crowchild bike path, the
problems with the Centre Street Bridge, the lack of a budget for a kitchen in
the Telus Convention Centre, and of course the yet to be resolved costs of the
Peace Bridge among other projects.
If it is not coincidence it must be a clear pattern of the agency
theory problems; one either Council does not have a grasp of what
administration is doing, or that the risk taking differences are so large that
they cannot be reconciled. Either way, the costs of the consequences of bad
management falls directly on the taxpayer who in the end always pays for the
It seems that Council has the problem of fulfilling its
promises to the electorate without looking clearly at the risks of undertaking
such promises. The other issue is that administration is willing to low ball
the costs, and minimize the risks to please their masters and get the project
going, despite the fact that the full extent of the project costs may not be
known at the time of approval. It may be in the interest of administration to
do so because it seems that the high ranked executives may have their bonuses
attached to performance and the completion of these projects.
More importantly for Ald. Pincott, a Chair of the audit
committee, and some of his colleagues to claim ignorance or lack of information
is inexcusable. Clearly due diligence and oversight were missing. Given these
past problems and the often un-scrutinized bonuses at City Hall, Calgarians
should demand that we move away from the current practices of project analysis,
budget management and lack of proper accountability. Although P3s may not be
the panacea for better management, it seems that it could well be time to
consider more private/public partnerships with strong and verifiable contract
caveats, including penalties for non-compliance and late delivery.
A departure from current practices is more imperative now
than ever due to the amount of reconstruction that will be required as a result
of the 2013 Flood. Calgarians cannot afford anymore blunders, or bad budgeting
for future projects, notwithstanding whether they are essential or nice to
have. The latter of course should be completely discarded and ignored.
Marcel Latouche
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