Saturday, 27 October 2012

Vacuous Politicians

The first Presidential debate has exposed many of the flawed perceptions created by the main stream media for the past six years. Governor Romney’s performance showed that President Obama was often out of his depth on many issues and was caught like a deer in the headlight. The President often used talking points, so much so that his million dollar supporter Bill Maher, twitted that he may need his teleprompter.

The second debate  would have been worse had Candy Crowley, the moderator not intervened to help the President. The third debate was no better for Obama as he denied the failures of his policies and allowed Governor Romney to look more presidential.

While the race may not be over, the real issue is that the media continues to promote the President as the messiah that he is not. This is a man who promised ‘to slow the rise of the oceans and fixed the planet’, while the U.S economy, which is not entirely his fault, continues to putter along under four years of his policies. The media continues to publish differing polls which gives him an edge, when it is quite clear that the methodology used in certain polls maybe statically biased.

The elections in November are important not only for the U.S but for us Canadians who depend on them for 80% of our trade. Another Obama presidency may well hurt us as well as the rest of the world’s economy.

Here at home Justin Trudeau, he of the great hair and famous name has thrown his hat into the Liberal leadership race. The media is already in a frenzy. Some have even suggested that the Prime Minister should be scared of him. Once again a politician with absolutely no record is being thrusted upon the electorate because of his likeability. Just like a video of the President has been dismissed for being five years old, the media ignores the content and ideology of Justin Trudeau. Remember that Trudeau has made some very interesting remarks in an out of Parliament, including those about women circumcision, as well as his father’s National Energy Program.

He has dismissed these issues, but be wary of what he would do if elected as Prime Minister. Watch out for his support of the middle class, the perennial target for politicians’ support and who yet, always bear the brunt of policies which tax them to the hilt. As a former teacher, he will tout education as one of his platform’s most important issues, but will continue to support the current education system of heavy union involvement and which in recent past has been less than stellar. Watch how he may pander to the oil patch as he woes the West.
 Trudeau may be inexperienced but he will be guided by many astute Liberals who have served his father and are chomping at the bit to recreate what they lost. Problem is, the same old divisive may resurface.

His appeal to the youth of this country will be just as great as it is for Obama. With promises to include them in his future policies, as well as communicating with them on Twitter will resonate and create a formidable opposition to the Conservative Party if ignored.

Given his name and a lack of opposition in the Liberal party a coronation without scrutiny and proper vetting may ensue. Canadians should be careful not to pay too much heed to the media frenzy and hype created by social media. We should demand more in depth analysis of his policies and promises.
 Just like Obama, Trudeau will appeal to the social media followers, most of them Hollywood types, who as it turns out are just as empty as their candidate - more twits than tweets. The result may be another likeable, yet vacuous politician

Marcel Latouche
President & CEO
The Institute for Public Sector Accountability

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