For the past two and a half years the Democrats have been
involved in a conspiracy to oust a duly elected president of the United States.
The Democrats impeached the President but the Senate acquitted him. The divide
that started on the day of the 2016 election is not about to stop, what’s next?
The delusional Democrats ,who had the wrong candidate in the
first place, cannot fathom that Trump was elected president. The impeachment
process started the day of his election, and has continued and will continue
well after his term in office is over. The conspiracy, in my opinion, is
controlled by what the President calls the ‘swamp’, and it includes the upper
echelons of the previous administration, the CIA, the FBI and even parts of the
DOJ. The mistake that Trump made was that he should have followed the example
of J.F. Kennedy, who fired a majority of the people from the previous
administration of Eisenhower. Since Trump took over, the cabal of Comey ,
Brennan, Strzok, Clapper, Lisa Page, Ohr, among many other conspirators helped
the House Democrats ‘ impeachment of the
Despite the fact that many reports fizzled, the Nancy Pelosi
democrats proceeded to impeach the president for ‘Abuse of Power, and
‘Obstruction of Justice’, all based on hearsay evidence and “the say so” of a
whistleblower about a phone call to the President of Ukraine. While the
President claims that the call was ‘perfect’ , in my opinion, the
President who is not a politician should
have said that the language used may have been to colloquial but not political.
In fact the transcript showed that he used the word ‘us’ and not ‘me’ when he
ask for help from the Ukrainian President.
The bigger issue that he abused his power because he wanted
to investigate his opponent Joe Biden is not an impeachable offense. All
politicians including Democrats investigate their opponents. If that was the case, anybody running for the
office of President could not be investigated for possible past actions and
corruption. As for the obstruction of justice charge because he refused to
allow members of his administration to testify under Executive privilege, is
totally bogus. Obama did the same thing on many occasions as did other
Presidents. As for the claims that there
were no witnesses, the Democrats called more than seventeen witnesses but no
witnesses from the President. The Democrats could have gone to court to get a
ruling, but their rush to judgement dictated their actions – that is why the
Senate acquitted Trump.
Here we are today, impeached but acquitted. President Trump
is now accused of being vindictive and divisive, and accused of using language
not befitting a President. Let’s look at the situation from a lay person’s
point of view: If you had been persecuted, harassed, stabbed in the back for
over two years, how would you feel? Having attained the greatest position in
office, you immediately are accused of collaborating with foreign powers, and
continuously attacked because you won an election. When the pundits and
commentators demand that the President be more restrained in his address to the
public and be more presidential, I would disagree.
The hypocrisy of the left was in full display for the past
month. Those Democrats like Sen. Manchin, and Rep. Dingell who came to the media and said that they have
examined and taken into consideration all the facts, and then made a decision
according to their conscience, were just filling air time as they knew full
well that they would vote according to party lines. Mitt Romney the two time
loser who voted according to his faith, just displayed the sin of ‘envy’ in its
full characterization:” painful or resentful awareness of an
advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same
Notwithstanding their failure to remove the President, the
Democrats will now start investigating him once more. The calls for
conciliation, under the guise of religious belief, will be put aside for political
reasons. Trump should not let his guard down for on minute. While Ambassadors
Yovanovich and Sondland, Lt. Colonel
Vindman and his brother are leaving , Trump should seek and fire all the
conspirators in his administration when the Durham report comes out. A
President has the right to have people he can trust around him.
The left always asks for collaboration and conciliation when
they have been found wanting, but they never practice what they preach. There
is no doubt that Trump is prone to bombast and self-aggrandizement. For those
who believe that the President’s tone is more important that his
accomplishments, please remember that he was not a politician, therefore do not
expect political correctness, but that he kept the promises made in his
campaign. I am more of a Churchill follower, and support what he said: “When
you have your foot on a liberal’s throat – Push it”. I hope that Trump will be on the attack for
the rest of the 2020 campaign and rightfully so. Calls for conciliation are
bogus and designed to put the Republicans on the defensive. Conservatives must unite because the left is
always united. For the sake of the United Sates, and indirectly the free world,
I hope that the Republicans win all
three branches: House, Senate and Presidency , otherwise the U.S may be doomed
as the rise of socialism/ communism among authoritarian Democrats shows its ugly head.