Many Canadians view Americans as arrogant, which may be true
in many circumstances. But what we see in the Canadian media is the arrogance
of Canadians who sincerely believe they are experts on Americans values and
culture. The question is why?
The U.S presidential elections are getting much coverage in
the media. Much of the reporting is biased towards support for Hillary
Clinton. Donald Trump has helped to
damage his cause while committing many mistakes, which I define as ‘trumpicide”
(the act of a neophyte politician who is unwilling or refuses to take advice
from experts in the field). Despite the fact that some of these experts may be
giving advice to either protect themselves or are believers in the status quo.
Trump has made many statements which resonate with a large proportion of the
people, but also alienates many people. Hillary Clinton on the other hand does
not endear herself to many people either. For the first time in U.S electoral
history both candidates carry more negatives than positives. Therefore it
stands to reason that a leftist media finds itself in a real quandary: How do we portray Clinton in a better light
than Trump?
As the U.S media merrily obfuscates the Clinton past and
demonizes everything that is Trump, it is the role of the Canadian media that I
would like to discuss. Taking its information from liberal U.S media virtually
every single Canadian media outlet continues to support a Clinton candidacy,
because in their arrogant view it reflects an affinity to Canadian values. In
other words more progressive and in tune with Liberal Canadian views. The
problem with this type of reporting is that the majority of Canadian citizens
get only one side of the story, and in essence makes Canadians more supportive
of a Democrat than a Republican. This media approach automatically results in a
continued aversion to conservative values, but in reality helps to import many
dangerous progressive ideas from our Southern neighbours.
On immigration for instance, Canadian media has endorsed the
Liberal government’s refugee policy, despite the fact that a majority of
Canadians does not support massive acceptance of refugees from certain parts of
the world, mainly because of the risk of terrorism. To support their position
the media portrays Trumps’ immigration policies as xenophobic and racist,
notwithstanding that a vast majority of Americans are seriously concerned about
illegal immigration.
The debate on law and order goes even further. There is no
doubt that the constant reporting of African Americans shootings by the police
has become a source of major discussion. However, the Canadian media has taken
the view to report many of these incidents as growing racial problems. They
have often ignored that there is a real crime problem in many U.S cities; more
importantly that the majority of gun related killings are Blacks on Blacks.
More importantly that most of the killings happen in cities and States which
have been under Democrat rule for decades. The result for Canada is that the
media has given so much credence to a one sided story that now we have imported
the Black Lives Matter organization suggesting that we have a real racial
problem in Canada.
The progressive Canadian media in reporting the problems of
the U.S as debated between Clinton and Trump is shaping a Canadian view that
does not really exist. Comparing every Trump conservative view to a far right
agenda they set themselves in the progressive Clinton camp; therefore automatically
supporting Trudeau’s progressive agenda which is closer to that of Clinton’s.
While certain aspects of Trump’s campaign may not be good
for Canada; e.g. trade, let us remind ourselves that a continuation of the
Obama agenda by Clinton is not going to be good for Canada either. The climate
change policies preventing the Keystone XL pipeline comes to mind as one
detrimental policy for Canada. More importantly the media has not covered any
of Clinton’s problems of erased e-mails kept on a private server, the
co-mingling of the Clinton’s Foundation, the work of the of State Department and
the influence of foreign government’s money.
In my opinion there seems to be a clear media plan to
portray Trump in his worse light – they would love another extension to the
progressive Obama’s administration, ignoring the fact that his presidency may
go down as one of the worse since Carter. They ignore the dismal economy, the
low rate of employment especially among African Americans. Obfuscation is great
but statistics are real. The arrogance and bias in Canadian media reports of
U.S issues are very dangerous in my view. While it is important to review and
report the political climate of our neighbour’s, because of our proximity and
economic ties, it is disingenuous to take sides and purport to know the psyche
of the American population.
In supporting Clinton over Trump the Canadian media is
making the same mistake that they made about the Brexit. The progressive bias
ignores the reality that citizens are fed up with the liberal elite telling
them what to do and how they should behave. The media’s arrogance in defining
political correctness on virtually every issue tends to stifle debate and frees
speech, and contributes to make the world a more dangerous place.
An unbiased reporting of the current U.S presidential
election may well give Canadians a different perspective and may well reverse
the huge adulation for Obama and the prospect of a Clinton presidency; ergo a less favourable view of Trudeau’s
progressive government.