Wednesday, 25 May 2016

A Backlash from Socialist Immigration Policies

In the sixties when I was a student of finance and economics in the U.K, I remember being a lone voice among my fellow students to support Britain’s entry in the European Common Market. At the time there was a very strong sentiment among the population that the country should stick to the Commonwealth as an economic base rather than join Europe. In light of a referendum to decide why Britain should stay or withdraw from the E.U, it is important to look at socialist immigration policies that are affecting most industrialized countries.

On June 23, 2016, Britain will hold a referendum to decide the future of its membership in the E.U. In 1975, I was for Britain to stay in the Union as I always was in favor of an expanding trade agreement and the free movement of goods and labour in an ever growing economic power that was Europe. In my view, then, it was about the access to Europe as many countries of the Commonwealth gained independence and were looking for other trade opportunities for themselves. There were many positives for Britain to join the Union, however over the years the bureaucracy in Brussels has grown so big and so autocratic that now many Britons feel that it was time to re-examine the relationship.

While the referendum will be debated on many fronts such as the size of the membership fees, the number of business regulations and other bureaucratic rules, over the year’s one of the biggest problems has been the control of immigration policies. The ‘free movement’ of labor among the 28 member countries has created major financial complications for England. Immigrants from other member countries have move to the tiny island in droves. Lucrative British social benefits make the country a desired destination for immigrants. For example migrant workers can send child benefits payments back to their home country.

To add to the European immigration problem, refugees from North Africa and the Middle East are coming to Britain in greater numbers. It is reported that there are 1.5 million ‘illegal’ immigrants in the U.K. The Syrian war and the rise of ISIS have acerbated the situation. The fear of terrorists infiltrating the number of refugees is of great concern. The decision by Germany’s Chancellor Merkel to accept millions of refugees, and the EU deciding to even penalize countries who would not accept refugees is proving that the E.U in its present structure may be doomed to failure.

In the United States where there are some 11 million illegal immigrants, Donald Trump the presumptive GOP nominee for the Presidency has made immigration a major part of his campaign. In Canada decisions by the new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to bring in some 25, 000 refugees has not been universally been accepted by Canadians.

As opposition to immigration policies grows, the media and Liberals defend their policies by labelling opponents of racism and xenophobia. But there is a more nefarious plan regarding immigration. In the EU, if there is ever a decision to become the United Sates of Europe, countries with large numbers of immigrants may have a greater say in elections and policy making. In Canada the Liberal government is already courting immigrant votes and with a possible change to the electoral system, they may gain an advantage that will make them the only governing party for many years to come. In the United Sates it is already apparent that the Hispanic vote can sway an election; therefore pandering to this demography has been the central part of the Democrats for years. Obama through executive orders has already altered many of the immigration laws of the country.

Immigration has been a corner stone of the United States’ growth and success. Immigration has also provided many benefits to industrialized countries in need of manual and cheaper labor. However, the insidious use of immigration policies has created an environment where opposition to these policies is growing exponentially.
 In a world where economic growth seems to be at a grinding halt, citizens and legal immigrants are beginning to question why immigration is such a priority for some politicians.  A growing majority in many countries are starting to support politicians who are willing to, or who may be pandering to the idea that immigration should be curtailed.

Those who have been the author of socialist immigration policies are starting to feel the pressure and are now deliberately shifting the discussion towards racism and fascism instead of looking at the real reasons for the growing opposition.
Antagonism towards immigration policies s is not about race, it is about economic participation. The question is about who should be the recipient of government help in times of economic turmoil? Who should come first; immigrants or citizens?
The reason for concerns about the growing rise of fascism is not rooted in the so-called extreme right polices. Instead, it is firmly rooted in bad policies made by leftist, progressive, Liberal governments. The left has always looked at their future power base and  have implemented immigration policies to suit themselves and not their countries wealth and economic growth; even worse their countries’ security.