As the year comes to a close, we would be remiss if we do
not acknowledge what happened in 2016. The Trump phenomena should give
conservatives a real boost. For liberals, on the other hand, it seems that they
are ripe for psychiatric therapy, and more importantly we should be aware of
the continued and growing delusions of the left around the world and at home.
When Donald Trump started his campaign for the Presidency, a
vast majority did not give him any chance of winning; neither did I because at
first he did not articulate his policies. During the months leading to the elections
he was accused and marred by many controversies, justified or not. But in the
end he prevailed and won a historic victory over a failed candidate. As a
result the left has now found themselves in a state of delusion rarely seen in
politics. It is not a malaise seen in the U.S alone, but it seems that the
contagion has spread around the world, especially in countries with socialist
governments, including Canada.
After the November 8 elections, the Democrats have searched
for excuses to explain their biggest defeat since the twenties. Blaming the
Russians to the FBI and then the electoral system, they refuse to accept that
Clinton was a failed candidate with huge baggage, starting with her campaign
staff and the liberal mass media. The Wikileaks releases showed how the elitist
Democrats dismissed their opponent and the electorate, and how biased the media
was. The campaign was a bust as it relied on a continuation of the Obama
presidency with no new ideas. Their delusion was that the past eight years had
been a success, notwithstanding massive unemployment, a world in chaos and the
failed promises of hope and change.
There was a call for a recount in three states by the Green
Party. In Wisconsin the result was that Trump gained votes and the other two
states cancelled the recount. As the Electoral College vote approached, a
campaign started for the voters to switch their votes. Not having learnt their
lesson, that celebrities are not that bright and their support of Clinton had
failed, some irrelevant Hollywood celebrities came out with a video to sway the
voters. The result was that ‘faithless’ electors switched 5 votes from Clinton
and only 2 from Trump. Once again the delusion of Democrats showed itself to be
very apparent.
In his last address before leaving for Hawaii, President
Obama stated that the United States was now more respected and liked around the
world and that the country was more prosperous. He once again ignored that his
true legacy will be Aleppo, when he imposed a ‘red line’ which turned pink and
then disappeared, resulting in the slaughter of thousands of innocents. Furthermore,
his wife in an interview with Oprah, had the impudence to state that the
Trump’s election has now brought ‘No Hope’, to the country. Contrary to her
diatribe, the market place as validated by the rise in the DOW since the
election shows that there is real hope for a better world economy.
After the latest attack in Berlin, Angela Merkel stated that
it was: “A gruesome and ultimately incomprehensible act.” Ignoring that it was
her feckless refugee policy that may be at the root of the problem.
Closer to home, the NDP in Alberta and PM Trudeau continued
to extol their failed policies. Their climate change policies will see the imposition of direct and
indirect taxes on everything which they claim to be good for the consumer.
Their blind acceptance of the Paris agreement will make a mockery of the Canadian
economy for years to come.
In Alberta the failed Progressive Conservatives, are in the
throes of a leadership race. Once again the progressives in the party are still
suffering from the delusion that their
loss to the NDP was not their fault. Sandra Jansen, a leadership candidate, who
saw that her campaign was going nowhere defected to the NDP, showing that she
had absolutely no idea about political ideology. In this case it was delusions
of grandeur.
But the most absurd display of illusions came from Vice President
Joe Biden when in a futile and useless visit to Canada he stated that the world
needed genuine leaders such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. A laughable statement at best, but yet Jim Warren, a
Liberal columnist believed in it and wrote a column in the Sun newspaper
entitled: “How Trudeau can lead on the world stage”. We should remember that
like Obama, Trudeau has never run anything before entering politics. His success is derived from his father’s
accomplishments and nothing else.
The left around the world are now reaping the bitter fruits
of their so-called progressive policies. Their continued belief that it is
everybody else’s fault rather than their own, displays a complete mental
failure which in many cases may require therapy for some.
The real positive result of this delusional failure of the left
is that if conservatives around the world learn a lesson and regroup with
pragmatic conservative principles, they can regain the upper ground. A united
conservative movement at all levels under a Trump leadership can bring back
real hope and change, not the phony liberal view of a multilateral world
dominated by socialist policies and organizations.
As this is my last 2016 blog, I would like to take this
opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.